Five Fun Faves: Fitness Finds

Hello, my precious loves! Happy November! My favorite month. I am sending you my biggest hugs from the throes of writing Book #2. I see you, finish line! I’m on track to be done before Christmas—let the angels sing!!!—and could not be giddier to get this sophomore babe into your hands. As soon as humanly possible!

As my Instagram buddies know, I also ran the Orange County Half-Marathon on November 7, the eve of my 36th birthday. I can’t even tell you how much this amazing race meant to me. For years, since high school, running has been a passion of mine. In 2010, I ran two half marathons and trained hard to finish in less than two hours. I did. Then came a decade of babies. Ha! 

No, but really. Then came three incredibly challenging pregnancies, two miscarriages, figuring out my existence and identity as a mom. Gaining and losing more weight than I ever dreamed possible. One tricky knee that requires extra care, stretching, foam rolling, and physical therapy help. I wasn’t sure I would ever feel my feet on the pavement again, let alone the runner’s high of sprinting as fast as I could, for as far as my legs would carry me.

By God’s grace, I not only finished my race last week, but I hit a personal record of 1:47. Ahhhh! I still can’t believe it. God met me there on my path. What an incredible gift! I do not take it for granted.

Before I get into my five fun fitness recommendations, I wanted to say that I’ve been reminded during this season of how much my love for RUNNING mirrors my love for WRITING. For most of us who love both these things, it’s more like a big ole love/hate. Right? Mile by mile, we chip away at our goal. Word by word. Bird by Bird, as Anne Lamott says. It’s painful. It’s hard. So many days, I do not feel like putting in the hard work.

I want the START line with the intoxicating adrenaline and thrumming beat of the music. I want the strangers yelling my name from the sidelines, with absolutely no idea how much their cheers mean to me. They do not know that their voices and signs will carry me over the hill. I want the party, the FINISH line, the delicious snacks that I’ve earned! I want the internet results confirming that hard work pays off.

What I don’t always want to do, my friends, is put on my running shoes in the dark at five o’clock in morning. Or skip the cupcake before a long run because I know I’ll get sick. Or find yet another place to write on my laptop, somewhere not too far from home, because I don’t have an office right now. I don’t want sit alone, day after day, pouring words onto a page.

Sometimes I do, of course!!! Many days, I love these things. Much of the time it’s a dream. I know how blessed I am. No matter what, it’s a privilege.

But it’s also hard, and gritty, and real. Rarely glamorous, and often monotonous.

Discipline is the word.

You must sit down, or stand up, to get to the magic.

To the email from the woman who said that When We Blinked saved her marriage. To the man who told me he gained more from my book than a decade of therapy. To the girl who said she doesn’t know Jesus, but that my book made her think.

And the truth is, running is like so many difficult things. I’ve been thinking of the whole darn wonderful passage we have in Hebrews:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 

My recent race reminded me that I can keep going, with God’s invisible hand. I can finish writing another book, even though if I’m honest, I’m missing social interaction and free time lately. I miss watching TV and reading romance by someone besides me!

But I can do it.

I can run the race that’s laid out uniquely for me. 

Ted Lasso and #Bookstagram will be waiting when I am done. Phew!!!!!

My last lesson from race day, guys, was something painfully obvious I saw in myself. On mile three, I became obsessed with checking out other runners. By then, you can see some of the racers you started with—either falling behind or starting to race ahead. I started to compare, climb into my head, and weave a sticky, distracting web.

I can totally beat that guy. That girl will not beat me. If I sprint incredibly fast right now, maybe I’ll just SMOKE THEM ALL!!!!!

Or wear myself out, or wreck my legs, and/or not be able to finish. 

Or lose my forward momentum because I’m distracted by everyone else.

This is the truth as a writer, too! And I feel it so much. I can ALWAYS compare to the person next to me. I can always envy the New York Times-bestselling hotcake written by somebody ten years younger than me. Or conflate myself with ugly pride over how far ahead I am of the person who just tapped her courage to write.

No, thanks! I’d much rather uplift my fellow racers with all the cheers in my heart. Applaud them for being courageous enough to put their hats in the ring.

Comparing ahead, and contrasting behind, will leave you empty and miserable.

Both also will SLOW YOU DOWN.

Trust me. I felt it. I saw it.

Our power, rather, is in the personal strength meant for us—and only us. The fuel we cannot find to the right or the left, but only by lifting our heads, finding our zones, and trusting our way to the finish.

Giving love away like cold Gatorade, every step of the way.

I love you so much, friends!!! I’m pouring my whole wide heart into this second novel, and I hope you love these new characters as much as I do. I cannot adequately express my gratitude that so many of you can’t wait to read it.

Like the sweet souls lining my road:

You’ll never be able to know how much your cheers mean to me.


1. Best ASICS Running Shoes Ever—When it comes to running shoes, I am incredibly picky. By preference, but also necessity. Once upon a time, I had serious foot issues—and went to a podiatrist who—no joke—gave me a subscription for shoes. He confirmed that I should only wear ASICS. They’re all I’ve run in since. These are my latest pair—the GEL-NIMBUS 23—and probably my favorite to date. They took me through my whole training for this past race and I’m still wearing them constantly. I’ll order more when they’re done! Can’t recommend them enough!

2. Cutest Amazon Crop Top—I love me some stylish workout gear! I don’t always love the price tags. Give me all the cute dupes! This sportsy top by Lemedy does not disappoint. It fits true to size, and isn’t too high on the crop, you know? This chic little number is an Amazon gem! 

3. Hydration Station: My favorite water bottle for workouts remains my big mama Hydro Flask with the straw top. I just don’t think it gets better! The circumference fits in my Peloton cupholders (#priorities) and keeps my water SO COLD. In addition, I recently added this Giotto dream of a powerhouse to my hydration life. I fill it up every morning and make sure to finish by night. (This is in addition to my workout hydration.) How cute is it, for real?! I cannot handle the catchy little affirmations!

4. Gu Packets—Calling the real ones! You know who you are. My long-distance runners, racers, triathletes, crazies. You need fuel along the way. Or maybe you just need a boost right before your next Peloton quickie or fitness class! I adore this Gu variety pack! Truthfully, they’re all delicious. The Salted Caramel, though, tastes suspiciously like the caramel drizzle from Starbucks. Like I’m not sure I’d pass a taste test. These are so good! I suck one down every 30-45 minutes on my endurance runs and feel like a goddess immediately. Get some!

5. Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag—Okay, I’m giving you an item on my wish list instead of the hardcore fanny pack I use for my long runs because it admittedly is not very cute but boy is it functional. (Ok, I’ll also link that here because it’s amazing.) But since that bad boy meets a very specific need, and I feel like who DOESN’T need a Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag—read: everywhere—here you go! Ugh! I die! Santa, please? I’d love this for hikes and walks. Dying over this Pink Savannah color!

That’s all for now!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





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Five Fun Faves: Falling!