June Book Review

Is it just me or is summer already flying?! Happy book review day!!! My stack from June makes me laugh, you guys, because I genuinely intended to read solely beach reads. I suppose you can read anything on the beach—murder, high drama, business—but I really thought this month’s summery (see what I did there) would involve more neon and sand. That said, these books are all beachy in their own way, I’ve decided!

Beach queen herself (Elin Hildebrand)? Check!

Brilliant memoir (by Nike founder)? Check!

And, OK, super-dark domestic thriller riddled with lying frenemies? Double check!

While these weren’t all five-star knockouts for me, I still enjoyed reading each one and would love to know if you’ve read them, too!

Here we go!

For those of you here to just get a great summer book rec already, I’m starting with my favorite book of the month! Same Time, Next Summer, I loved you!!! Written in dual timelines, this swoony summer romance is everything I want in my lounge chair. Samantha is neatly engaged to doctor Jack, visiting her family’s Long Island beach house for wedding planning, when she runs smack back into who-other-than her first love and dreamboat musician, Wyatt. The vivid flashbacks to their teen romance—what drew them together and blew them apart—simply captured me. I read this book in two days and just clutched it to my heart at the end! I loved the author’s debut, Nora Goes Off Script, but I loved this one even more. Grab it. You won’t regret it! Annabel Monaghan is officially now in my auto-buy bucket! Five stars!
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

My journey with this book cracks me up! First it was super-hyped. Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club, #Bookstagram, Amazon lists, the works. But then… it was anti-hyped. “Don’t read this book if you hate politics in a story!” “Covid alert.” “Boring.” “Skip it!” LOL. I pushed it to the side per these mixed reviews, but finally figured, hey, I got the ARC for free—let’s go! And, you guys! I was mostly expecting to hate it… which is maybe why I loved it so much??? The premise was super fun and so interesting to me: semi-snarky female writer on SNL-type show falls for classically hunky, ultra-famous musician and guest host. This book was clearly well-researched, and I had so much fun in its witty world! I felt like I learned a lot, truly! It’s a surprising and whip-smart romance between two (very different) stars of their high-profile jobs. Did the unnecessary insertion of politics annoy me sometimes? Sure. Is this—be warned—kind of a Covid romance?! Yes. Did it still work for me? Totally! I found myself fully invested, laughing, smiling, and absolutely adoring the end. (Rated R-ish for sure.) Four stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Here’s the thing! Even when an Elin Hildebrand book isn’t my favorite (like this one), it’s hard for me to give it any less than four stars. Heck: less than five stars! Because even when the plot’s a bit humdrum (like this one) or unbelievable (Golden Girl), I never fail to be entertained the whole time. I want to eat my way through Nantucket, noshing on fresh-caught seafoods and crusty breads! I want to wear pastels and dance at the Chicken Box! I want book a flight there immediately! Hildebrand just R-O-C-K-S her lane; this fact cannot be denied. I think Elin fans and most summer readers will probably love this book. I just personally wanted a little more from the swoony premise and perfect setup!

Middle-aged, lovable, internet famous Nantucket chef Hollis Shaw loses her husband suddenly, and in her deep grief, decides to plan a weekend for the best friends from throughout her life: childhood, college, adulthood. Wouldn’t YOU want to go on this over-the-top, Insta-worthy, completely fabulous Nantucket weekend? Even as a mere reader? Me, too! It’s just that nothing BIG ever happens during the getaway, or this book. There were a few fun twists and possibilities for excitement… but I just never felt they delivered. This book is still super sparkly, beachy, girly, and fun, but I’m giving it 3.75 stars. I’m still your superfan, Elin! ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟

Every January, my Book Club picks genres for the whole year ahead. Then, each month, a different member selects the book for that genre. For 2023, we added “Business History” to the mix. Admittedly, I worried this might be boring—but boy, was I wrong! Shoe Dog is the memoir by Nike founder, Phil Knight—which is to say, also, by ghostwriter J. R. Moehringer, which is to say, also, by the same ghostwriter as Spare by Prince Harry.

Moehringer is insanely talented, clearly, at taking complex, detailed, meandering stories spanning multiple decades—and synthesizing them into beautiful, emotional, razor-sharp narratives that read more like bestselling novels than historical records. He’s probably the best at the game. Now how do I steal his job?!

I loved SO MUCH about Shoe Dog and can’t wait for Doug to read it. (It would make a fantastic gift for any sportsy or business-loving man in your life, btw.) The tenacity, luck, and timing of this founding story!!! I couldn’t get enough once I started. My favorite part of Nike’s genesis and evolution, though—and of this book—is all the running. The passages on my favorite sport are breathtaking, truly. I had no idea that Nike’s roots were planted right on the runner’s track! I am STILL thinking about this book and how much it made me want to run, to write, and to chase down my dreams. Five swooshey stars from me!
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

I picked this one up because I loved The Push by Audrey Audrain last year. Our girl is back, baby!!! But I’m going to lead with the warnings on this one: dark, dark, dark. Triggers and bewares. Skip if you want something bright and clean because this is everything but #yikes. Ha! That said, I loved it and raced through the juicy, totally messed-up story about a shiny, imperfect, unlikeable mother whose feisty son ends up in the hospital after a mysterious fall from his bedroom window.

What happened? Who knows? Who is lying through perfect veneers? And, more importantly, why?!

Every character in this story is awful, frankly, which usually turns me off to a book, but something about this sharply crafted portrait of high-middle-class suburbia was somehow a win for me. Yep! Even though everyone hates each other, and self-destructs with a smile, the intertwined network of motherhood, marriage, intrigue, and lies wouldn’t loosen its grip on me! I had to know where the story was going—and holy smokes, the last line knocked me sideways. I know this book isn’t for everyone, but I thought it was a WHOA! (Rated R.) Four stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

What should I read next?!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





July Book Review


May Book Review