July Book Review

Are we really in the last month of summer?! I’m so thrilled to (finally) share this all-over-the place, surprising, and totally honest book review with you all! For real, I just flew by the seat of my shorts on what-to-read-next this month, and, well, it shows. I consider myself a “mood” reader, but not even sure what to make of the mood here! Eclectic? Vast? Intergalatic? Still, it was a really good reading month. Great, even. In fact, more than one of these books was so deeply thought-provoking and/or emotional that I remain in recovery!

One is a favorite I’ve read all year.  

One was so dark I needed a flashlight. Like. WHOA.

One is about the book industry and gave me SO many thoughts and feelings!

One was my Book Club’s pick.

And one was a fast, fun thriller! 

Want to try and guess which is which?! While that might be fun, don’t worry. I’ll give the people what they came for!

Let’s go!!!

Go read this book. That’s my review. The end!!! How to Stay Married will be in my top 3 books of the year, if it doesn’t take the #1 spot. Two weeks after finishing, I still don’t possess the proper words for applauding this masterpiece and thanking the author for the rawness and profound generosity of his story.

Searingly talented Christian humor writer Harrison’s wife had an affair, and this book is about that juicy, compulsively readable, real-life, years-spanning drama, yes—the story and voice will suck you right in—but it’s about so much more. Faith, sin, marriage, forgiveness, community, friendship, love—all of this, from heaven, to hell, and back again. That’s the thing about this book: Harrison literally went to hell and came back to tell us about it, a bookish warrior with razor-sharp wit and gut-wrenching vulnerability and a lab named Gary you’ll grow to care about, too.

Not to mention: This book is a whole semester of classes in writing. How to Write About Tragic Things and Make Them Funny. How to Write About Your Christian Faith in 2023. How to Place F Bombs That Might Offend Some but Trust, You’d Be Dropping Them Too If This Happened to You. How to Break Hearts and Influence People. How to Help People Keep Believing When Rock Bottom Has Bottomed Out.

My friend Alana thought she had seen me post about this book, so after finishing, she mentioned it—but it wasn’t me! Since she loved it, though, and I trust everything she says, I looked it up—marriage books are my jam—then gulped it down in two days. Not only is it hysterical; it’s one of the funniest, saddest, most touching books I’ve ever read. I am better for reading this book, and you will be, too.

If you don’t like reading books about adultery, or marriages in trouble, or super-upsetting betrayals, skip this one. But, hey, if you’re up for some casual end-of-summer open-heart surgery; for a wildly addicting soap opera grounded in none other than the unfailing arms of Jesus Himself … I can’t recommend this enough. Five stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Especially given some heavier reads this month, I was delighted that my Book Club picked such a Happy Place for July! I really enjoyed this one! It was just what I expected and exactly what I needed. Like Elin Hilderbrand, Katherine Center, Colleen Hoover and more, Emily Henry is really becoming someone from whom I know what I’m going to get. Angst, romance, friendship, fun setting, the range of feelings… this gave me it all! While Book Lovers remains my favorite of hers, I thought this was a wise and lovable second-chance romance between characters Harriet and Wyn, who have broken off their engagement but decide to keep up the *couple charade* for the sake of their annual friendship vacation. Their faux dating act shines, and the dual timeline adds such fun dimension. Perfect for your carry-on if you have a vacation in August! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

All the Sinners Bleed is absolutely climbing the charts as a Book of the Year. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing it on many a 2023 wrap list! As a writer, I always try to read several of these: for research, curiosity, enjoyment, all of it! For this one, the hype is hypin’! I’ve seen it everywhere from Barack Obama’s summer reading list to the New York Times, plus on plenty of #Bookstagrams with wide-ranging tastes. Many have said this book a “must-read” if you love murdery crime fiction, so of course, I clicked buy in a blink! 

The book opens with a bang as the first Black sheriff in the history of Charin County, Virginia, Titus Crown (also former FBI agent), comes upon the scene of a school shooting. Surprisingly, though, there is no blood bath, but rather a single victim: beloved community member and adored white teacher, Mr. Spearman. Huh. Thankfully the (also Black) shooter spills some key secrets before his death—because then we watch Titus run like the wind for the rest of this crazy story. For justice, mercy, truth! I was gripped from beginning to end.

But, OOF, GUYS! Hollllllly smokes. Overall, I still don’t know what I think of this one. From a storytelling and prose perspective, it’s a 10/10 all day long. Stunning, gripping, careful, moving, and strong. This was my first book by Crosby and I am amazed. It’s just that it dives so, so deeply into the realms of unbelievable darkness. Think: True Detective Season One. Pretty Girls. That horror movie you had to turn off because it made you too ill! Triggers for pedophilia, violence, and more.

Now you can’t wait to read it, right?! LOL. I’m so glad I did, truthfully, despite all the difficult scenes. I loved the Southern Gothic mood, investigative proceedings, page-turning mystery, even Titus’ romantic life. This book is a vibe, no doubt. But I’m having a hard time saying confidently: “You should read this.” My rating is high but my stomach’s still low, I guess. Maybe, in truth, I needed a little more redemption in the end to make all that sin feel worth it! 4.5 stars from me! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫

Yellowface kept me up well past my summer bedtime!!!! I already posted on Insta how much I LOVED THIS BOOK! Firstly, though. For the past two years, I have been living my own writing journey with Book #2, over here on the back end: inside the industry, speaking with high-ups, enduring the highest highs, the lowest lows, total injustices, incredible praises, legal drama (yep), and everything in between. I can promise I will share everything about this journey in long-form one day with you friends—and I can’t wait for that day!!!! For various reasons, I still need to keep it private, but let’s just say it’s been R-O-U-G-H.

So, enter Yellowface: brilliant, page-turning echo of all my nightmares! Gosh, this plot made me feel SEEN! The industry dishing just hit so true for me. Sure, the main character is a psycho. She steals a manuscript from a dead girl and gets super famous for it. But hello, new addiction!

Some of the overt political sentiments annoyed me a bit, but not enough to detract from my great appreciation for this fun read. I adored Yellowface for its psychological thriller energy, searing industry satire, and honest look at the state of the industry, particularly here in relation to race, fame, and plagiarism. I couldn’t read fast enough, and so much was so healing and validating for me personally. If you want to know just how wild this business can be, pick this one up! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

If I’ve talked to you about books this year, I’ve probably told you to read both The Housemaid and The Housemaid’s Secret. I’ll be recommending these fast, fun thrillers for a very long time! Curious to read more from Freida McFadden, I popped this audiobook into my ears to close out the month—and I am so glad I did! This is the book when you just want to gobble one down. It’s so short it almost felt to me like a novella, with a small cast of characters and simple plot—but no less entertainment value because of it! Vanished psychiatrist? Yes. Newlywed couple possibly buying her former creepy estate? Yes, yes. Where they obviously get snowed in ASAP and find a secret room of her session tapes?! Oh, you know it! So many twists, so many turns, complete with a signature Freida whopper of a shock toward the end. Four stars for this moody frolic! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

P.S. Based on your votes on where to begin with my towering #BookOfTheMonth stack, I’m reading Lessons in Chemistry. You guys. I love it so much! I’ll review in my August wrap!

What (else) should I read next?!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





August & September Book Review


June Book Review