May Book Review

What surprised and wowed me in May? I know! I know! My four reads! I’m swooping in to share the handful of books I popped like Skittles last month. I’m only now realizing that each one is from an entirely different genre—and I really love that! We have nonfiction/self-help, memoir, thriller, and romance. Something for everyone, hopefully!

Next month—errrr, this month, June, since I’m a little late here—I’m focusing solely on beach reads, except for my Book Club read from the (ahem) Nonfiction Business category (I already feel smarter). So, if you have beachy recs, send ‘em! Think bright, sunny, splashy, stash-in-your-carry-on book candy!

As for May in review, here we go!!!

I’m a longtime fan of Laura Tremaine and everything she shares with the world: podcast episodes, IG conversations, reading recommendations, and, in most recent years, BOOKS! The Life Council: 10 Friends Every Woman Needs was chosen for my Book Club’s “Repeat Author” category this month. We greatly adored her first book, Share Your Stuff: I’ll Go First, so this felt like a natural pick.

I enjoyed it SO much! The book, our conversation, and Tremaine’s uniquely sharp and fun way of feeling like both your brand-new bestie and uber-cool social dynamics professor (in fabulous lipstick). Based on her own experience, Tremaine shares—yes—the 10 types of friends she thinks every woman needs, plus several compelling friendship philosophies, as well as practical tips on making new friends, keeping old friends, and approaching adult relationships with purpose, heart, and intentionality.

While a few of the chapters didn’t resonate with me personally (The Password Protector, for instance), The Soul Sister chapter nearly brought me to tears. I also felt seen in so many of Tremaine’s descriptions of friendship hurts, seasons, even break-ups—as well as the ways we perceive female friendships thanks to society and social media. Why don’t more people talk about all of this?! Probably because it’s uncomfortable… and we don’t quite have the right words. Well, I’m thankful to Laura for penning them here in a witty, uplifting, thoughtful, and useful way. She’s officially an auto-buy author for me, and I can’t wait to read what comes next. 4 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Well, I’ll be darned, friends. My biggest bookish surprise of the year so far has come from Paris Hilton herself. As I say all the time, I love a celebrity memoir. Katie Couric, Viola Davis, Jessica Simpson, Rob Lowe… I want them ALL! Those are some of my favorites. Now add this one to the list! WHOA. My only complaint is that, while I love Paris’ cover, it doesn’t really match the contents inside. This book is raw, gritty, and deep. What I was expecting: Hollywood glitz, family scoop, and jet-set tales of fame. Which, oh boy, you will get. What I wasn’t expecting: trauma, abuse, courage, suspense, keen self-awareness, obvious brilliance, and highly informative facts about the ADHD brain.

I absolutely loved this book. I tore through Paris’ teenage years with my jaw on the floor, and honestly still scratch my head in reconciling that girl with the one from the tabloids. Paris Hilton is a boss, and wicked-smart, with a heart the size of her name. She is significantly more intelligent, ambitious, and warm-blooded than most of the world gives her credit for. She is even wide-open about the persona she has created—baby voice, over-the-top fashion, diamond-encrusted lifestyle—almost as a separate entity and brand creation.

Love her or hate her, Paris’ own account of her life is so deeply interesting. I devoured everything about her journey from rebel socialite to independent female centi-millionaire, from young girl to happy wife. I found her narrative voice to feel both genuine and entertaining—although she says yasssss a lot, LOL—and in the end, I’m a new fan. If you love celebrity memoirs, I highly recommend this one for your beach bag. Five stars from me! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Content warning for language, sex, drugs, and themes; my sensitive souls might want to skip!

Millie Calloway’s back… and she’s better than ever! Sequels make me nervous, honestly. I loved The Housemaid so much that I couldn’t possibly wrap my head around loving this one as much. Guess what? I DID! This bang-up job of a sequel opens with a pulse-racing smash and never lets up for air! Once again, our checkered-past heroine maid takes a job with NYC’s snooty elite. Movie-star handsome and crazy-rich Douglas Garrick has a sick wife tucked away in their guest room—but, pray tell, is this all he hides in the shadows? Of course not, you guys! Read and enjoy. Admittedly I passed the halfway point of this adventure feeling nervous it wouldn’t have a twist as big as the first book. But, silly me, I needn’t have worried! This Party of a Part-2 served up that massive-twist moment—and then some. I didn’t see the curves coming and loved every one of them. Does the original still hold an extra-special spot on my bookshelf? Yes. But do you want to miss this epic follow-up? No, you do not! 4.5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Drumroll, please… I have a new favorite Christina Lauren book!!!! The Unhoneymooners held the lead spot until I inhaled this delightful and unputdownable rom-com. Felicity “Fizzy” Chen from The Soulmate Equation (also loved that one!) returns in this modern tale that feels like The Bachelor meeting up with the hottest new dating app. (Total When We Blinked vibes there!) Basically, my dream book!

When single dad and serious filmmaker Connor finds himself tasked with creating a new reality TV show—reluctantly, to say the least—he wonders, well, what better contestant than the feisty-and-famous romance novelist Fizzy? This all made for such a fun ride. Fizzy and Connor’s love story captured my heart and my LOLs with their perfect banter, open hearts, and sizzling-off-the-page chemistry. The writing is STRONG and felt like the author duo’s best work yet, in my opinion. I was so sad when it ended! Five bright summery stars from me! If you love romance, you’ll die over it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Note: Super steamy! Rated-R! Don’t say I didn’t warn you. :)

What should I read next?!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





June Book Review


April Book Review