January Book Review

They’re baaaaaaack!!! Welcome to my first monthly book review of 2023! I have to say, I’m so glad you guys seem to enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy writing them. I blogged these monthly for a full year back in 2019, and, on and off, have continued to share my roundups and reviews in this way. I truly love devouring book reviews in all forms, from IG posts to sophisticated publications. But there’s something extra special to me about a longer, aesthetically pleasing wrap-up to savor and revisit anytime.

As for writing them, I deeply enjoy the slower, more thoughtful consideration required for committing my thoughts to a full-on article. It’s so cathartic and fun! Plus, my brilliant designer created this beautiful website for me, so I’d like to give it more love in 2023. Who doesn’t love a pretty place to sit down and express herself?

Simply put, bringing these monthly posts back is sparking new joy for me, so here we go!

I mentioned in my last post that 2022 was destination, funktown in terms of my reading. Just… Not great? Weird. Not my favorite. So, I’ve set out to make 2023 my best. reading. year. ever.

And guess what?

I think I’m on the way!!!!

Oh my goodness, I loved this month of reading so much. It included a little of everything I adore, and I’m even glad I read the one book I didn’t swoon over.

Before each month, I make a list of my hopeful books, maybe 5-7. Sometimes I read that many, sometimes I don’t. Once in a blue moon, I read more. I am always reading via the trinity: Hard copy, Kindle, and Audible. I usually have a different book going on all three at once. Very occasionally, I double up on the hard copy and the Audible, when I want to experience both the unmatched bliss of the real-life page and one of my favorite narrators (Julia Whelan is my ultimate, but I also love Brittany Pressley… and fine, anyone with an accent, preferably British and male)!

No matter what, my actual reads always shapeshift along the way, based on my mood, schedule, or new recs that cross my path. For instance, I started Spare (about which y’all spared no opinions, OMG, LOL)—but decided to wait and finish closer to my Book Club’s meeting date on February 13. I’ve learned over and over that I love our Book Club meetings the most when the book is fresh in my mind. So, I pushed that one, and added The Maid because of so many raves I saw in 2022 wrap-ups. The others have been *musts* on my radar for different reasons.

Okay, enough data about my reading life for which you didn’t ask!

Let’s get right into it, shall we?!

Here are all the books I read in January 2023!

Okayyyy, this little red book charmed my UGGs off!!! Foremost, I laughed. Like, a lot. Like way more than I would’ve imagined. The characterization of Molly the maid, who suffers from OCD and lies somewhere on the autism spectrum, is so lovely, endearing, and beautifully done. Molly slays her job at The Regency Grand Hotel, but this takes on a whole new meaning when she happens upon a dead body (gasp) in one of her assigned rooms. Her discovery sparks a Clue-eque goose chase that kept me guessing until the ending I didn’t predict. Truly! I never suspected the killer. (Did anyone?!) This book is cozy, it’s crimey, it’s cooky. I enjoyed it so much. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

The precursor to this novel (It Ends With Us) has been one of my favorites since WAY before the CoHo hype machine. Um, hype machine doesn’t even describe what is happening with her right now! Earth-shattering explosion, industry takeover, juggernaut of her genre (and others! like what even is Verity? UM...). The hashtag #ColleenHoover has 3 billion views on TikTok. CoHo is both crazy talented and a present cultural force. It’s insane. (She’s also heavy-handed with the language and RRR-rated steam. IYKYK! I like to warn those not familiar.)

Anyway, yes. I’m that annoying person who says, “I loved CoHo before she was CoHo!” Thus, I couldn’t not read her sequel to one of my all-time faves. I inhaled It Starts With Us over holiday break.

What did I think?! Well, I thought it was… medium. That would, in fact, be my one-word review. Just exactly medium! Mostly just… not really necessary? The story hopped along sweetly, and I loved Atlas all over again. But there was no concrete tension or plot. In addition, am I the only one who finds it super disturbing that Lily continues to share custody of her daughter with an abuser? Do I just not understand the dynamics of domestic abuse? I’m serious; I just don’t know, guys. I found this detail so troubling that I was distracted for much of the book. I guess, in conclusion, this book was fine! Three stars. I enjoyed the writing as always but it wasn’t my #1 CoHo. It Ends With Us, All Your Perfects, November 9, in that order! I also really loved Layla; it’s sooooo weeeeeeird in the best way! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

So many of you told me you LOVED this book after I posted about it last month. OH MY WORD, you were right, friends. This book is something so special. I will be honest and say I judged it hard by its cover, for months. I thought it must be about, I don’t know… science??? An oceanography textbook masquerading as fiction??? Eh, I’ll pass. Um, NO, ma’am, you will not! As every single one of you promised, this book is about SO much more than a giant Pacific octopus in captivity. It’s about friendship, family, redemption. Big love, great loss, and healing! Plus, yes, one enormous, witty, lovable octopus named Marcellus, who possesses a pitch-perfect narrative voice and eerily humanlike characteristics. There is also a propulsive and touching mystery woven throughout, which kept me turning the pages like fire.

In conclusion, I’m raising both of my hands super-high: I LOVED THE BOOK ABOUT THE WIDOW AND HER OCTOPUS BFF! Five stars. My heart wants (needs!) more books like this in my life. Hit me up if you have any recs! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Well, well, well, Stacy Willingham, if you aren’t slowly becoming one of my favorite thriller writers alive! After obsessing over Flicker in the Dark last year, I had to devour this newest title of hers in a flash. Now, imagine my joy upon realizing that holy smokes, this second book is even better! The writing, the pacing, the characters: Just wow. It’s all so exquisite, for the genre, and period! I loved this book so much. Isabelle Drake has never been the same since her toddler son, Mason, was snatched from his crib. That’s all you really need to know; just go in blind from there. Trust me! I especially loved the way Ms. Willingham handled the tender fog of early motherhood, and the terror of postpartum psychosis. She has such a knack for writing twisty, page-turning, edge-of-your-seat killer stories—without making them gruesome or cheap, and while also making you care so much for the characters. I grew so invested in them—and did not see most major twists coming! This book is just GOOD. Plain GREAT. I absolutely adored it and will be counting down to the next! Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I also had the honor of enjoying this gem as my first-ever ‘buddy read’ with my writer-reader friend Beth Morris, so look out for more fun thoughts soon on IG!

Time for me to give my reminder that I don’t read much historical fiction. I get bored, guys. It is what it is! I’m good at other things! Like inhaling murderous crimes. LOL. So, if I’m going to read a true story set somewhere in yesteryear, you better believe I’m only reaching for ultra-trusted recommendations from friends and book lovers who never let me down. And wow, wow, wow—The Diamond Eye did not disappoint. Female sniper? WWII? Love on the front lines of war? A thwarted presidential assassination? Did you say… CRIME?! Now we’re cooking with gas! I really savored this book, friends. I submersed myself in the world of heroine Mila Pavlichenko and let myself linger there. What a woman, what a retelling. I let myself hear the gunshots and imagine her strength. This is superb historical fiction. 4.5 stars. Have you read it?! What did you think?! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫

What are you reading in February? Can’t wait to hear! XO!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





February Book Review


My Top 12 Books of 2022