My Top 12 Books of 2022

Happy 2023, my dear loves!!! We’re one week into the year! And oh, how I love the crisp dawn of another January. My girls don’t return to school until Monday, so I haven’t quite felt the full force of the New Year yet. In fact, we’ve been kind of hibernating and LOVING it! Holding on tightly to slow lazy mornings, long rainy days, and breaking in our jacuzzi. Yes, it is just purely magical to finally BE in our brand-new home. I cry tears of joy almost daily! We’ve been soaking in every moment of “in-between” break bliss over here.

But I feel it!!!

The clean slate, the new hope, the fresh air.

And finally, I have a quiet Saturday afternoon to finish recapping…


My favorite 12 books of 2022!!!

As I already shared on Instagram, this reading year was… well… weird for me. I guess I just didn’t feel constantly WOWED by books, overall, in the way to which I’m accustomed.

In pondering this sensation, however, I looked back and realized that—what do you know—I felt similarly last year! What?! It’s true! Despite reading some truly wonderful and unforgettable books in 2021, I also described that reading voyage as:  


Not exactly overwhelming applause.

So, what gives?!

Why have the past two years left me less-than-enthused about books, one of my life’s great loves?!

I have a few theories, friends! And I promise to be quick before jumping into the fun part you came for! (The recs. I know you’re here for the recs! Ha!)

But, three major things happened in the last couple years: 1.) The pandemic hit, 2.) I published my first book and wrote a second one, and 3.) #Bookstagram and BookTok exploded! I have zero doubt that each of these things has impacted my reading life and, for better or worse, my relationship with books.

First, 2020 changed everything for everyone with eyes and ears. Some days, for a long stretch, I couldn’t read anything, period. Then, I became supremely particular about what I could handle reading—and when. My picks became both escapist and unpredictable, awesome fiction sprinkled with nonfiction reads that felt vital.

Then, in 2021, I released my own book into the world, finished writing my sophomore baby, and by now, have been living and breathing the inside track of the book business for almost three (!!!) years. Meeting people in the industry, making author friends, and learning everything I possibly can about what makes a book successful, and why. I’d be lying if I said that this new experience inside the business hasn’t altered my view of books. I know and see A LOT now. I’ve seen how the sausage is made! I’m not saying it’s a good or bad thing. But it’s different, for sure! Do I wish I knew less? Sometimes! Is the magic still there?


Always, forever.

I’m just getting used to the change, to the experience of being both a passionate reader and someone with her book on the shelf.

Lastly, #Bookstagram and TikTok: Oh, how you’re complicated!!! Is it just me, or are there are just so many books, everywhere, all the time now?! Mostly I live for it. But sometimes, it can feel a little… chaotic? Overwhelming? Crowded? Inspiring, creative, and so much fun, yes! And clearly, here I am contributing happily to the Everest of 2022 book recaps you’ve seen!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m ECSTATIC that books are currently center stage. Yes!!! What a win!!! But sometimes, with so much book content, constantly, I find myself with equal parts decision fatigue (what to read next?!), skepticism (is that book really worth all the hype?!), and just plain peer pressure (well, clearly, I have to read it because everyone else is… but then I’m disappointed and sad when the book falls short.)

You see?

It’s a cocktail of factors, this weirdness.

But it’s certainly not going to stop me or slow down my reading.

I’m just sharing my observations.

Plus, in 2023, guys, I’m going back to the basics! I’m determined to make it the best reading year of my life.

Did you hear that?


I’ll be reaching for books that I genuinely want to read, stopping if I don’t love them, and sharing my gems with you on the way. I don’t have a plan, but I have a feeling. And it’s a GOOD one.

I can’t wait to share the journey with you! 

In the meantime, my goodness, thank you so much for reading all this and hanging in there! Despite all these #bigthoughts and #feelings, I still read 12 knockout books this year that I will never forget. They were amazing. Wonderful. Eye-opening. WOW.

Are you ready?


I read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry last winter, and the pages burrowed into my soul. They breathed fresh oxygen into my bones and opened myself to new habits. I can truly look back one year later and say: That book changed me, for good. I am more peaceful, clear-headed, and calm in very specific realms of my life: mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I wrote a longer review here, but just know: If this title speaks to you in the least, don’t walk. SPRINT to Amazon and purchase this treasure!

I found myself recommending this romance above all other romances this year, simply because it was a TREAT. And also, a CLEAN treat! Katherine Center is one superbly talented writer, and she doesn’t pull any cheap tricks with language or sex like I personally think so many authors do these days. I just really, really appreciate her pure storytelling. Her plots and characters speak for themselves, and from the heart! This surprising story of a female bodyguard and her assignment to protect a hot movie star can’t NOT make you smile to outer space! I adored it. How to Walk Away and Things You Save in a Fire are two other books by her that I recommend over and over.

I am a huge Emily Giffin fan, and this might be my favorite yet! Another pick for my Book Club this year, Meant to Be is a pitch-perfect fictional portrait of the love story between JFK, Jr., and Carolyn Bessette. In the novel, Cate Cooper and Joe Junior ARE THEM, and exquisitely. This book felt like historical fiction dancing with modern-day romance, and I was entranced! I learned so much, I loved their relationship, and I thought Giffin knocked the ending out of the park. So dreamy, so darn good. Done! Rated PG-13-ish.

Emily Henry is a vibe and I’m here for it!!! Witty, flirty, gosh-darn suck-you-in FUN! Her books are all very similar in the best way, and Book Lovers is my favorite so far! This is another charming-down-to-your-heart-and-toes romance, perfect especially for all my book-loving friends! Fiery literary agent Nora and book editor Charlie won me over in this clever enemies-to-lovers rom-com romp, and I super-enjoyed the book industry backdrop and tidbits. I just loved this one. Rated a little steamy and sassy, FYI.

I read so many great memoirs in 2022: Viola Davis, Rob Lowe, Katie Couric, Matthew Perry. But THIS ONE rocked me and left me in awe (and in ache)! I could NOT read it fast enough. You guys. I had never heard of Nickelodean childstar Jennette McCurdy or watched one second of iCarly. It did not matter. Her writing style and pacing sucked me in from paragraph one and just left my jaw on the floor.

This book is RAW. It is brutal. It is honest. It is unreal. She writes with such precision and tenderness, biting and almost childlike in the same turn. This book is about her life as a kid star, but so much more: largely about her abusive mother and their relationship, and secondarily about her eating disorder and body image issues. Insert every trigger warning you could imagine, and skip if you’re easily rattled by such heavy topics, especially in vivid detail. I personally loved it. I’m still thinking about it. I hope Jennette continues to write, create, flourish, and heal. The astronomical success of this book makes me squeal with glee and fist pump the air for her and the brave little girl that she was. Well done, girlfriend. WELL DONE.

I’m just going to follow one dark read with another! And friends, I mean the blackest of blacks. This story both haunted and educated me in such a powerful way. It’s the story of sharply bright 15-year-old Vanessa and her sexual, abusive relationship with her 42-year-old English teacher, Jacob Strane. If you’ve ever wondered how such a horrendous thing happens—the grooming, the seducing, the ruining—and what precisely goes on in the mind and soul of the victim, you must read this torturous masterpiece. I’m not saying it won’t make you highly uncomfortable, but I am saying it is far beyond anything similar I’ve read before and raises the bar to new heights. The writing is masterfully absorbing, and the story feels gut-wrenchingly true, because while fictional, it’s also fact. This is the story of too many young girls. It’s abundantly obvious that the author did copious research on this horrific topic. What I found most fascinating were the devastating effects on Vanessa for years to come; for the rest of her life. This book is important. I loved it.

This was my second-favorite memoir of the year! I listened to the audiobook and cannot recommend it enough. Viola Davis is a PERFORMER. Her real, luscious, wise, comforting voice brought such humanity to the already-powerful words. Viola is simply an exceptional human. I gulped down every detail of her life as a daughter, lover, fighter, artist, Oscar-winner, believer, and friend. My goodness. We read this for my Book Club and I will always cherish that conversation.

I am a thriller reader, lover, devourer. A carnivore, really!!! And Pretty Girls—mic drop—is just about is good as it gets, guys. My word!!! This book is unbelievable, but also just incredibly chilling. Blood, secrets, sisters, lies, and revenge. And pretty girls, of course. I wish so badly I could go back and read this for the first time again. Read my full review here, and read the full book if you dare! Have you read other Karen Slaughter, my friends? If so, please tell me what!

This is another book I found myself recommending a million times in 2022! Because while it’s a psychological thriller about a serial killer, it also has mass appeal and undeniable readability. It’s spooky but also just fun with dynamic, beautiful prose. I even bought it for my mama for Christmas! It’s smart, it’s surprising, it’s vicious. You probably won’t guess the twists. You’ll want to join psychologist Chloe, daughter of a convicted serial killer, as she hunts for answers, justice, and truth. Read this one! I bet you’ll find yourself recommending it, too!

Don’t you just love having an author you’ll follow anywhere, even to the depths of disturbia?! Jennifer Hillier, you’re my girl! Little Secrets was a total standout for me a couple years ago, and this year, I got curious about her backlist. I saw Jar of Hearts praised by several book reviewers I trust impeccably (what I love about #Bookstagram!), so I snagged it on a great Kindle deal! I read it in Mammoth in maybe a day, and it was utter glory. Also, isn’t every creepy story just a little bit better in the mountains?! You don’t need to know anything about this one except for that it’s truly gritty and shocking in parts… and, also, quite the jar of perfection. Just go in blind. I loved it. Stars on stars on stars.

Another observation of my favorites this year? They are so dark. Like, wow. I’m SO sorry, bright daises!!! I mean, three in this list even have straight-up DARK in the title. LOL. But a knockout book is what it is! And this one certainly qualifies. Texas-based We Are All the Same in the Dark reads more like a slow-burn, hard-boiled, good-old-fashioned cop-style mystery than anything, but in the best way. This book floored me. The writing is gorgeous. I kept on thinking that. How snappy and quick so many fun thrillers are—but how there is never a substitute for hard-won beautiful sentences and stunning prose. Odette Tucker is a spellbinding character, a young cop with one leg and more grit than you could imagine. Focused on Odette’s obsession with the disappearance of young Trumanell (think JonBenét Ramsey) years ago and sudden new appearance of one-eyed Angel, this book is gripping, emotional, broody, multi-POV magic. I recommend highly!

I might’ve saved the best for last here. Kristin Hannah, this work of wonder absorbed me, mind, body, and soul. I even wrote a whole ON-THE-GRID Instagram post about my deep love for it. The Great Alone made me want to go to Alaska. It made me convulse with tears. It made me FEEL, feel, feel! And clap, clap, clap. Thirteen-year-old Leni and her mother, Cora, face the barren, beautiful wasteland of not only Alaska, but of their Ernt, alcoholic father and handsome husband, respectively. This novel is a masterful story of abuse, family, survival, community, solitude, love. The final scene will replay in my head for eternity, squeezing my heart. If you haven’t read this one, what are you waiting for?! Let it be your next read, without a question!




Thank you so much for reading!!!


Based in Orange County, California, Stephanie Mack is a longtime writer, wife to one, and mom of three little girls. She has been blogging at MOMentary Insanity® since 2014. Her work has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Faithit, Coffee + Crumbs, and more. She holds a Master of Professional Writing degree from USC. When We Blinked is her debut novel.





January Book Review


10 Rave-Worthy Reads